All you are is what you are aware of...And your memory is nothing but a faulty record

An at least minimal sense of self is something usually expected from everyone while simultaneously being something that only a select few possess. Let's make things clear: I am not a part of those select few, so don't go around expecting anything solid from here. I'm Eddie (any pronouns), I am currently (as of may 2022) 19 yo and I rarely have any idea of what is actually going on around or within me; I have a hard time establishing connections and tapping into my own state of being - I feel like this is pivotal information to reach a basic understanding of how I function. My interests include science fiction, lame horror films and anything I connect to the core of humans (I'll probably expand more on this last one later).

I decided to build this mainly to learn some new skills but also to have a somewhat more anonymous place to dump anything i might come up with. As you can clearly see, this is a work in progress. I have some very rudimentary HTML understanding and as of yet little to no CSS knowledge. Please be patient with me, my motivation comes in waves and I can barely function unless I feel like a man possessed, one-track mind or whatever it is you wanna call it.